The Power of Being Yourself
In a world where you can be anything, be yourself. Etta Turner.
What does it do to your psyche when someone suggests you should “just be yourself”?
Does it make you anxious?
What if myself isn’t really all that interesting?
What if being myself is really a bad person?
What if being myself means they actually like me?
What if being myself requires me to be authentic?
What if being myself made me happy?
What if being myself gave me all of the things that I desire in my life?
What if? What if? What if?
Those are just some of the “what if” scenarios running through my mind each time someone simply suggests I “just be myself”.
I don't know about you, but it is much easier to tell others to be themselves. Just as long as I don't have to follow the same rules. Fair, right?
Now, let me take a step back. What conversation or situation have I found myself in that someone would simply suggest that I just be myself?
What am I doing or what is happening in my life that I have created self-doubt? Further, why do I believe things about myself that are not true? Except, for 40 years I had believed them to be true.
My story began in 2015. I was approaching 40 and felt a strong pull in my heart that things needed to change. But what? At the time, I had a small circle of friends, a husband and kids. I worked a job I wasn't in love with and I was just existing. I thought everyone just existed.
I was so wrong.
It is in my DNA to make a decision and follow through with it. It is also in my DNA to be very impulsive. So, take those two personality traits and you have a woman on a mission! For the first time my mission was to save myself from myself.
This shift in mindset began a new version of myself. In order to shift my life I knew that I needed to make some important life changes. Some were easy and some were very difficult.
Making changes was and is a process. When that shift happens it becomes unstoppable. It creates space and room for more opportunities and people to come into your life.
My friend and mentor, Patti Stark has taught me ways to create and achieve what I want in my life.
She told me that people walk around asleep. I was asleep and now I am awake. What happens when you wake up? She taught me fundamental lessons that I feel now are basic but I know are not for many. Read about Patti here:
What did I learn?
Love is an inside job- starts from within yourself.
Meditate/Pray- give yourself a few minutes a day of quiet.
Set an intention
Visualize- Visualize what you want and do this in your meditation practice.
Believe- It is true, believe and you shall receive.
Learning to do those five things every day helped me achieve more in the last two years than I would ever imagine. It's true. There will be more on this in future posts.
I have the power and so do you.
What I have started to discover and as I am growing and I re-discover over and over again that being myself is all I can ever be.
Start with this..
Shift your thinking into “I am enough”. The person I am supposed to be is who I am. The moment that you accept who you are and love yourself for who you are will be one of the greatest moments in your life. Creating the space for love and acceptance within yourself will allow you to freely love and accept others. It starts with you!
Be powerful. Make a small step every day to be yourself. Set your intention to make a better change in your world. Remember, it starts from within.
What does it do to your psyche when someone suggests you should “just be yourself”?
Does it make you anxious?
What if myself isn’t really all that interesting?
What if being myself is really a bad person?
What if being myself means they actually like me?
What if being myself requires me to be authentic?
What if being myself made me happy?
What if being myself gave me all of the things that I desire in my life?
What if? What if? What if?
Those are just some of the “what if” scenarios running through my mind each time someone simply suggests I “just be myself”.
I don't know about you, but it is much easier to tell others to be themselves. Just as long as I don't have to follow the same rules. Fair, right?
Now, let me take a step back. What conversation or situation have I found myself in that someone would simply suggest that I just be myself?
What am I doing or what is happening in my life that I have created self-doubt? Further, why do I believe things about myself that are not true? Except, for 40 years I had believed them to be true.
My story began in 2015. I was approaching 40 and felt a strong pull in my heart that things needed to change. But what? At the time, I had a small circle of friends, a husband and kids. I worked a job I wasn't in love with and I was just existing. I thought everyone just existed.
I was so wrong.
It is in my DNA to make a decision and follow through with it. It is also in my DNA to be very impulsive. So, take those two personality traits and you have a woman on a mission! For the first time my mission was to save myself from myself.
This shift in mindset began a new version of myself. In order to shift my life I knew that I needed to make some important life changes. Some were easy and some were very difficult.
Making changes was and is a process. When that shift happens it becomes unstoppable. It creates space and room for more opportunities and people to come into your life.
My friend and mentor, Patti Stark has taught me ways to create and achieve what I want in my life.
She told me that people walk around asleep. I was asleep and now I am awake. What happens when you wake up? She taught me fundamental lessons that I feel now are basic but I know are not for many. Read about Patti here:
What did I learn?
Love is an inside job- starts from within yourself.
Meditate/Pray- give yourself a few minutes a day of quiet.
Set an intention
Visualize- Visualize what you want and do this in your meditation practice.
Believe- It is true, believe and you shall receive.
Learning to do those five things every day helped me achieve more in the last two years than I would ever imagine. It's true. There will be more on this in future posts.
I have the power and so do you.
What I have started to discover and as I am growing and I re-discover over and over again that being myself is all I can ever be.
Start with this..
Shift your thinking into “I am enough”. The person I am supposed to be is who I am. The moment that you accept who you are and love yourself for who you are will be one of the greatest moments in your life. Creating the space for love and acceptance within yourself will allow you to freely love and accept others. It starts with you!
Be powerful. Make a small step every day to be yourself. Set your intention to make a better change in your world. Remember, it starts from within.
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